11 research outputs found

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducci贸n de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tr谩fico de datos en redes m贸viles en los 煤ltimos a帽os. Para hacer frente a este desaf铆o, los operadores de redes m贸viles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansi贸n de su infraestructura y el despliegue de m谩s estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creaci贸n de Redes Heterog茅neas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicaci贸n de descarga de tr谩fico a trav茅s del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las c茅lulas peque帽as (small cells, SCs), es una soluci贸n prometedora para abordar el aumento del tr谩fico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementaci贸n financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparici贸n de terceros que implementan redes de c茅lulas peque帽as crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigaci贸n de marcos que faciliten la implementaci贸n de la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico, la colaboraci贸n y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de c茅lulas peque帽as, as铆 como la provisi贸n de incentivos de participaci贸n para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansi贸n de la capacidad. La aparici贸n antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tr谩fico de datos m贸viles, sino tambi茅n crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes m贸viles deben garantizar para la satisfacci贸n de sus suscriptores. Adem谩s, a pesar de que los operadores de redes m贸viles adaptan este tr谩fico, no obtienen ninguna compensaci贸n monetaria o subsidio por la expansi贸n de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y dise帽ar funcionalidades econ贸micas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gesti贸n de recursos de radio y de precios din谩micos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacci贸n del abonado y la maximizaci贸n de la ganancia de operador m贸vil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversi贸n de implementaci贸n). Despu茅s de una investigaci贸n exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigaci贸n. Esta disertaci贸n consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el dise帽o de funciones econ贸micas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuaci贸n. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tr谩fico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de m煤ltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monop贸lico de celda peque帽a (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a trav茅s del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de informaci贸n sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, dise帽amos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocaci贸n de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcion谩ndoles incentivos de participaci贸n. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones econ贸micas y de red para la maximizaci贸n de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacci贸n de los usuarios. Particularmente, dise帽amos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociaci贸n de usuarios, asignaci贸n de recursos y conjunta asignaci贸n de recursos y de fijaci贸n din谩mica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos econ贸micos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparaci贸n con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor.Postprint (published version

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducci贸n de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tr谩fico de datos en redes m贸viles en los 煤ltimos a帽os. Para hacer frente a este desaf铆o, los operadores de redes m贸viles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansi贸n de su infraestructura y el despliegue de m谩s estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creaci贸n de Redes Heterog茅neas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicaci贸n de descarga de tr谩fico a trav茅s del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las c茅lulas peque帽as (small cells, SCs), es una soluci贸n prometedora para abordar el aumento del tr谩fico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementaci贸n financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparici贸n de terceros que implementan redes de c茅lulas peque帽as crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigaci贸n de marcos que faciliten la implementaci贸n de la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico, la colaboraci贸n y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de c茅lulas peque帽as, as铆 como la provisi贸n de incentivos de participaci贸n para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansi贸n de la capacidad. La aparici贸n antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tr谩fico de datos m贸viles, sino tambi茅n crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes m贸viles deben garantizar para la satisfacci贸n de sus suscriptores. Adem谩s, a pesar de que los operadores de redes m贸viles adaptan este tr谩fico, no obtienen ninguna compensaci贸n monetaria o subsidio por la expansi贸n de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y dise帽ar funcionalidades econ贸micas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gesti贸n de recursos de radio y de precios din谩micos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacci贸n del abonado y la maximizaci贸n de la ganancia de operador m贸vil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversi贸n de implementaci贸n). Despu茅s de una investigaci贸n exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigaci贸n. Esta disertaci贸n consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el dise帽o de funciones econ贸micas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuaci贸n. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tr谩fico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de m煤ltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monop贸lico de celda peque帽a (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a trav茅s del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de informaci贸n sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, dise帽amos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocaci贸n de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcion谩ndoles incentivos de participaci贸n. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones econ贸micas y de red para la maximizaci贸n de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacci贸n de los usuarios. Particularmente, dise帽amos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociaci贸n de usuarios, asignaci贸n de recursos y conjunta asignaci贸n de recursos y de fijaci贸n din谩mica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos econ贸micos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparaci贸n con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducci贸n de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tr谩fico de datos en redes m贸viles en los 煤ltimos a帽os. Para hacer frente a este desaf铆o, los operadores de redes m贸viles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansi贸n de su infraestructura y el despliegue de m谩s estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creaci贸n de Redes Heterog茅neas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicaci贸n de descarga de tr谩fico a trav茅s del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las c茅lulas peque帽as (small cells, SCs), es una soluci贸n prometedora para abordar el aumento del tr谩fico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementaci贸n financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparici贸n de terceros que implementan redes de c茅lulas peque帽as crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigaci贸n de marcos que faciliten la implementaci贸n de la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico, la colaboraci贸n y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de c茅lulas peque帽as, as铆 como la provisi贸n de incentivos de participaci贸n para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansi贸n de la capacidad. La aparici贸n antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tr谩fico de datos m贸viles, sino tambi茅n crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes m贸viles deben garantizar para la satisfacci贸n de sus suscriptores. Adem谩s, a pesar de que los operadores de redes m贸viles adaptan este tr谩fico, no obtienen ninguna compensaci贸n monetaria o subsidio por la expansi贸n de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y dise帽ar funcionalidades econ贸micas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gesti贸n de recursos de radio y de precios din谩micos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacci贸n del abonado y la maximizaci贸n de la ganancia de operador m贸vil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversi贸n de implementaci贸n). Despu茅s de una investigaci贸n exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigaci贸n. Esta disertaci贸n consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el dise帽o de funciones econ贸micas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuaci贸n. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tr谩fico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de m煤ltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monop贸lico de celda peque帽a (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a trav茅s del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de informaci贸n sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, dise帽amos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocaci贸n de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcion谩ndoles incentivos de participaci贸n. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones econ贸micas y de red para la maximizaci贸n de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacci贸n de los usuarios. Particularmente, dise帽amos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociaci贸n de usuarios, asignaci贸n de recursos y conjunta asignaci贸n de recursos y de fijaci贸n din谩mica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos econ贸micos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparaci贸n con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducci贸n de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tr谩fico de datos en redes m贸viles en los 煤ltimos a帽os. Para hacer frente a este desaf铆o, los operadores de redes m贸viles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansi贸n de su infraestructura y el despliegue de m谩s estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creaci贸n de Redes Heterog茅neas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicaci贸n de descarga de tr谩fico a trav茅s del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las c茅lulas peque帽as (small cells, SCs), es una soluci贸n prometedora para abordar el aumento del tr谩fico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementaci贸n financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparici贸n de terceros que implementan redes de c茅lulas peque帽as crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigaci贸n de marcos que faciliten la implementaci贸n de la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico, la colaboraci贸n y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de c茅lulas peque帽as, as铆 como la provisi贸n de incentivos de participaci贸n para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansi贸n de la capacidad. La aparici贸n antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tr谩fico de datos m贸viles, sino tambi茅n crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes m贸viles deben garantizar para la satisfacci贸n de sus suscriptores. Adem谩s, a pesar de que los operadores de redes m贸viles adaptan este tr谩fico, no obtienen ninguna compensaci贸n monetaria o subsidio por la expansi贸n de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y dise帽ar funcionalidades econ贸micas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gesti贸n de recursos de radio y de precios din谩micos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacci贸n del abonado y la maximizaci贸n de la ganancia de operador m贸vil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversi贸n de implementaci贸n). Despu茅s de una investigaci贸n exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigaci贸n. Esta disertaci贸n consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tr谩fico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el dise帽o de funciones econ贸micas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuaci贸n. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tr谩fico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de m煤ltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monop贸lico de celda peque帽a (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a trav茅s del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de informaci贸n sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, dise帽amos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocaci贸n de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcion谩ndoles incentivos de participaci贸n. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones econ贸micas y de red para la maximizaci贸n de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacci贸n de los usuarios. Particularmente, dise帽amos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociaci贸n de usuarios, asignaci贸n de recursos y conjunta asignaci贸n de recursos y de fijaci贸n din谩mica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos econ贸micos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparaci贸n con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor

    Network and Financial Aspects of Traffic Offloading With Small Cell as a Service

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    A quality of experience-aware association algorithm for 5G heterogeneous networks

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    The rise of Over The Top (OTT) content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. The applications' various Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as well as the use of multiple devices per user have increased the traffic heterogeneity, pressing the telecommunications industry to the deployment of 5G networks in 2020. At the same time, the rise of OTT providers has also led to the decrease of the Mobile Network Operators' (MNOs) revenues. Under these circumstances, the MNOs need to guarantee the users' Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements, while ensuring the sustainability of a 5G investment. To this end, we consider a 5G Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) deployment where MNOs use a QoE-based charging scheme. We propose a heuristic, QoE-aware user association algorithm to maximize the MNO profit, while providing high QoE. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can handle traffic heterogeneity by achieving substantial profit and QoE gains, compared to a baseline SINR-based scheme.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work has been funded by the MITN Project CROSS-FIRE (PITN-GA-2012-317126), Project CellFive (TEC2014-60130-P), and Project SGR (2014-SGR-1551).Scopu

    A Reference Governor with Adaptive Performance for Quadrotors under Safety Constraints

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    This paper presents a novel robust reference governor (RG) for trajectory tracking of quadrotors. The proposed scheme is characterized by low computational complexity and straightforward gain selection. Moreover, it considers safety constraints regarding speed limits and ensures the stability and the proper operation of the closed-loop system. The proposed scheme imposes user-specified performance attributes on the evolution of the tracking error when the safety constraints allow it. When these constraints are at risk of violation, the proposed RG provides a relaxation of the predefined performance specifications to ensure the stability of the plant. Lyapunov analysis proves the boundedness of the closed-loop signals, while its efficacy is further clarified and verified via extensive comparative experimental results against a well-established PI regulator

    A QoE-Aware Joint Resource Allocation and Dynamic Pricing Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. The applications' various Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as well as the use of multiple devices per user have increased the traffic heterogeneity, pressing the telecommunications industry to the deployment of dense Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). At the same time, the content providers' rise has also led to the decrease of the Mobile Network Operators' (MNOs) revenues. Under these circumstances, the MNOs need to guarantee the users' Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements, while ensuring the sustainability of HetNet investments. To this end, we consider a HetNet deployment where MNOs offer a multitude of services with diverse pricing. We propose a heuristic, joint QoE-aware resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithm with overall user satisfaction constraints to maximize the MNO profit, while providing high QoE. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can handle traffic heterogeneity by achieving substantial profit and QoE gains, compared to a state of the art algorithm. Moreover, we demonstrate the benefits of our dynamic pricing scheme and its applicability on other resource allocation algorithms.ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been funded by the MSCA-ITN-ETN Project SPOTLIGHT (722788), Project CellFive (TEC2014-60130-P), Project SGR (2014-SGR-1551), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and the FEDER regional development fund under SINERGIA project (TEC2015-71303-R).Scopu

    Histone Deacetylases and their Inhibitors in Colorectal Cancer Therapy: Current Evidence and Future Considerations.

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) comprises a heterogeneous group of gastrointestinal tract tumors. It is a multifactorial disease, and a plethora of distinct factors are involved in its pathogenesis and pathophysiology. The development of CRC is not limited to genetic changes, but epigenetic and environmental factors are also involved. Among the epigenetic factors, histone deacetylases (HDACs), a group of epigenetic enzymes that regulate gene expression, have been reported to be over-expressed in CRC. HDACs and their inhibitors seem to play an important role in the molecular pathophysiology of CRC. The aim of this review was to define the role of HDAC inhibitors as potential anticancer agents against CRC